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How to check-in with RSS Feed

General principle

What is RSS feed ? ?
Under this barbarian name, is a technology that enables you to follow almost in real time, news from a website.

You can, for exemple, be reminded when your check-in delay is almost gone.

We suggest you to read more about RSS in the following article (in french) : On 01net

How to read RSS on my computer ?
To be able to read RSS Feed, you'll need a little soft called RSS Reader. A lot of such softwares are downloadable for free on the internet.

If you are using Internet Explorer, we invite you to download an independant RSS reader (for exemple Feedreader or RSSReader specially for windows.

If you are using :

Mozilla Firefox on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Mozilla Thunderbird (mail client) on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Safari version 2.0 for sur Mac OS X Tiger
You must know that these softwares are already able to read RSS Feed.

Please contact us if you have any question about RSS.

How tu use RSS with ? RSS Feed will allow you to check-in without coming on our site

In fact, once the RSS feed configured on your RSS reader (or your phone because more and more phones are able to read RSS feed), you'll be able to see your last check-in date, and the next limit check-in date.

You will also have a link that, once clicked, allow you to check-in on our site without your login/pass.

To install our RSS Feed, you just have to clic on the RSS section which is on your member page.

Our RSS Feed is available in english and in french

If you have any problem, don't hesitate to contact us.